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The Simple, Smart CRM for Microsoft 365

Nimble works for you in Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, and everywhere you work.

Live in Microsoft 365? So does Nimble.

Nimble’s Outlook add-in lets you update contacts, access company and contact insights, and manage deals right from your inbox. No more tab surfing.

Imagine a CRM that builds itself from your Microsoft 365 data

Nimble works for you by automatically combining your Microsoft 365 contacts, communication histories, email inboxes, and calendar appointments with contacts from your favorite cloud SaaS business apps and social media connections (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) into one unified team relationship manager.

Everything you need in a CRM

Nimble is your simple, smart CRM for Microsoft 365 that works inside your Outlook inbox. It delivers actionable intelligence, team contact management, templated tracking, and pipeline management.

Enjoy instant insights on people and companies

All you need is an email address or social handle and Nimble will do the rest. Find out who your key contacts are and what their businesses are about. Nimble delivers emails, locations, and phone numbers to help you build better relationships.

Take a tour of an enhanced Nimble contact record.

Relationship management for teams

Nimble empowers your company to collaborate as a team with prospects and customers to grow your business. It’s ideal for individuals and teams transitioning from managing contacts and sales pipelines within spreadsheets, email or on scattered sticky notes.

Grow your business faster with Nimble + Microsoft product family

Nimble not only works great with Microsoft 365, it also works with Dynamics CRM by unifying Microsoft 365 and Dynamic contacts. Access enriched contact records everywhere you engage with customers and teams-- including your Outlook inbox (mobile and desktop), contacts, calendar, Skype, Teams, and Edge browser.

Microsoft Dynamics customers can easily access enriched Microsoft 365 contact profiles within Dynamics, as well as access enhanced profiles of Dynamics contacts in Microsoft 365 and everywhere you work.

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We’re communicating to smaller, more defined groups of prospects, personalizing content and communications with the details we have in our small business and social-friendly Nimble CRM.

– Mike Wittenstein

Managing Partner, StoryMiners